My life is disrupted unexpectedly.
I was scared and emotional when I was told about the news.
As a coach, I asked myself “What mood am I in?”
Instead of asking “Why”, I turned the question to “What’s next?”. “What options do I have?”
There was no time for me to indulge myself with unhelpful emotions.
It took me a few days to reflect, and shift my mood from avoidance to acceptance.
My learning at the initial stage:
Life is full of surprises.
Accept and express the emotions. The more I suppressed my emotions, the more I was in the fear mode.
Drop the question “Why” as quickly as possible when I cannot change what happened to me
If you are going through challenges at work or in life right now, book a session to have a dialogue with me.
Norris Wong is an Executive Coach who supports individuals to uncover their potential. If you would like me to support your personal development, book me to start a dialogue.